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Melissa Hodgson
Maid of Honor

Melissa is Sue's sister-in-law.
Sue and Melissa enjoy NOT watching football all day everyday and making fun of David’s hand hair.

Kelly Yuill

Kelly and Sue met in San Francisco.
Sue and Kelly like working more than 9-5 at the Saddle Ranch and Jammie Dodgers.

Laura Edwards

Laura and Sue went to school in Crosby together.
Sue and Laura share a dislike to Cliff and love to sing Mary Poppins in the street.

Lucy Catterall

Lucy and Sue went to school in Crosby together.
Sue and Lucy enjoy dancing to Dolly, drinking out of vases and hate the bad dryies.

Nicole Spyropoulos

Nicole and Sue at Bill's house in White Plains.
Sue and Nicole love taking their time in Target and not paying attention at yoga.

Thaissa Torro

Thaissa and Sue were Au Pairs in Armonk together.
Sue and Thaissa enjoy 7 A.M. workouts and lying on the beach learning foreign languages.

Steve Thode
Best Man

Steve is Bill's brother and longest friend.
Bill and Steve like wiffle ball and rematches in RBI Baseball on 8-bit Nintendo.

Adam Small

Adam and Bill went to school in Somers together.
Bill and Adam like cruising on wild party buses in Minneapolis.

Alex Kalbfell

Alex and Bill went to school in Somers together and were roomates in White Plains.
Bill and Alex like talking fantasy football and being bad-ass computer nerds.

Andrew Lask

Andrew and Bill went to school in Somers together.
Bill and Andrew like playing golf and laughing real, real hard.

Dave Castellano

Dave and Bill were roomates at Towson University.
Bill and Dave like the Residence Tower and golf weekends in PA.

David Hodgson

David is Sue's brother.
Bill and David like Liverpool FC and giving Sue a real hard time.

Jesse Hoffman

Jesse and Bill were roomates at Towson University.
Bill and Jesse like playing with cats, and attending business networking breakfast meetings.

Michael Kalbfell

Michael and Bill went to school in Somers together and were roomates in White Plains.
Bill and Michael like very small blue houses, and late night competition.

Tim Conner

Tim and Bill went to school in Somers together and were roomates in White Plains.
Bill and Tim like canoeing on the Delaware river and explosive laughter.

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